About Us
The story of one kitten, Nala, starts off at a home where the owners could no longer take care of the cats and kittens because there were too many. Nala was then taken away to the shelter where she was separated from her original family. Sadly we don’t know what happened to the rest of the cats or kittens, but when adopted, Nala was the only one left. Of course Nala wasn’t Nala then, but an unknown kitten in the shelter, at only five to six months old. On a random day, my friend and I were planning on adopting a cat, but weren’t going to right away because we weren’t prepared. After looking around for a while, my friend found another cat that she wanted to adopt, and I had just picked Nala up for the first time. She licked my face and knew she was the one that we were going to take home.
It wasn’t until she was adopted and cared for, that she became the lovable cat she is today. Even though I never really intended to adopt a kitten that day, when I saw her, I just knew it was meant to be. After taking her home I found out , what many other adoptive parents know, that when you adopt a cat or kitten from the shelter, they have breathing problems and infections that need to be taken care of. Now imagine a kitten Nala, walking around and sneezing uncontrollably, adorable but very sad at the same time. After given love and attention, and of course some medicine, Nala was back to 100%, and has grown up healthy and big, but for some reason her legs didn’t grow so much.
The reason I started her instragram was to share her with family and friends back home. I’ve never imagined she would have this many followers, but now that we have your attention, there is an unfortunate truth that occurs in shelters. The truth is that kittens and puppies alike are helpless and rely on their human companions to care for them. In shelters, 75% of them are killed due to over population, so it is really important to spay or neuter your pets. Another disturbing truth is that there are people who want them only in the beginning and don’t take care of them later on. If you want to adopt a kitten or puppy just because it’s cute, don’t, but if you plan on taking care of them and giving them a happy home for the rest of their lives, then please do.